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The Giving Block Dashboard

In this article and the linked articles below, we will provide you with step-by-step guidance on how to navigate the Dashboard menu; enabling you to find what you need quickly and easily.

The 'Overview' Section 

Please read the brief descriptions below for more information on what is shared in each tile. 

  • The Total Donations amount is the total your organization has received from direct donations, Impact Index Fund distributions and match campaigns based on the time frame you selected. 
  • Direct Donations displays the type of donations received by donation type (crypto, stock, DAF and  card). *Direct Donations are donations made from donors who make a donation through your donation form on your donation page or your TGB's profile.
  • The combined Impact Index Funds distributions and match campaigns are displayed under header 'TGB Campaign Donations'
  • Impact Index Fund - As a client of The Giving Block, your organization may be eligible to receive distributions from the Impact Index Funds and Crypto Adoption Fund
  • Match Campaign Funds - Total Funds matched by The Giving Block.
  • Total by Currency - This section displays totals by each type of cryptocurrency and card donations based on the time frame selected.  Card donations appear in the USD tile. 

*Note - Impact Index Funds Distributions and Match Gifts are found in this section of the dashboard only.


Pro Tip:

Your date ranges matter! It is best practice to view all IIF and Match disbursements by filtering  "All Time" for your date range and using the drop down menu to further explore. 



Let's Explore the Dashboard Menu further'.


Each transaction made directly through your donation form can be viewed in this section of the dashboard.  This excludes Impact Index Funds and all Matched Gifts.  Transaction details include transaction id, donor name, type of currency, etc. 

To learn more, dive into this article:  Transaction Detail

Transactions CSV

The following article provides a step-by-step guide to accessing and downloading comprehensive transaction data.  This data includes all direct donations made through your donation form.  Impact Index Fund and Match Gift data will not be included in this reporting. 

To learn more, click Transactions CSV article 

The following menu headers can only be accessed/viewed by your organization's Client Manager:

  • Organization 

Dashboard Permission and Features

Within the dashboard there are 2 main roles Client Manager and Client.   Click HERE to learn more about the permissions and the features available to each.  


Common Dashboard FAQs

How to Get Access to the Dashboard:

Unable to access the Dashboard? To ensure optimal security, we kindly request you to connect with your organization's Dashboard client manager to obtain access. Simply ask them to send an email to support@thegivingblock.com, including the first name, last name, title, and email address of the users requiring login credentials and you should expect to hear back in 24 - 48 hours. If you are unsure about who your Dashboard client manager is, please feel free to contact support@thegivingblock.com for assistance.

I Cannot Access Website After Bookmarking

Please clear your cache. Re-entering the website https://dashboard.tgbwidget.com will also get you there. 

Will I Receive Email Notifications?

Anyone set up as a user on the dashboard will receive an email and payout notification when a donation comes in. 

How Do I Pull a Donation Report?

You can pull a donation report for any time period by following the steps under Donations -> Transactions CSV Report above. The CSV includes transaction dates, amount donated, payment type, donor information (if applicable), donation notes, the website origin of the donation, and much more! 

To review how to pull a report, please refer to the Transaction CSV article



  • See all your donation data in one place, including what your total raised is for the selected time period and how much of each cryptocurrency has been donated in the specified time period. You can also click on a donation to see more details about each gift. (Note: Totals on this page will only show if your donations are set to auto-convert to USD).
  • You can adjust the time period for the data you'd like to see. Note:  It is best practice to view all Impact Index Funds and Matched distribution funds by filtering the date range to 'All Time'.

Pulling Donor Reports 

For more information and step by step instructions, please see our Transactions CSV article which provides a step-by-step guide to accessing and downloading comprehensive transaction data from The Giving Block Dashboard, including details on the column titles and what they mean.

Capabilities In The Dashboard: 

  • See all your donation data at a glance by logging into dashboard.tgbwidget.com.
  • Pull donation reports into a CSV file for easy upload into your donor database. The CSV will include donations made through each donation form.