Transactions CSV Report
Instructions on How to Pull a Transaction CSV Report:
- Visit The Giving Block Dashboard
- Find the Dashboard menu on the left, Click 'Donations'
- Next Click 'Transaction CSV Report'.
- Choose the desired timeframe for the report you wish to view.
- Click on the "Download Report" button.
For easier analysis, consider filtering your CSV report based on the "Payment Type" column. This will allow you to specifically view the payment types such as Stock, Card, Crypto, or DAF that you're interested in examining.
Note: The CSV does not include Impact Index Funds (IIF) and Matched Funds. To see these funds, go to the "Overview" section of your dashboard. Click here for more detailed instructions.
Column Key:
Transaction ID:
The Transaction ID is a unique identifier assigned to each donation made by generous donors.
Transaction Date, Transaction Time:
These columns represent the date and time that the donation transaction was processed. The time is reflected in Eastern Standard Time (EST) on a 24 hour clock.
Organization Name:
The organization mentioned here refers to the recipient of the donation, which should be the name of your nonprofit.
This field indicates the type of currency used for the donation.
Based off of the Payment Type, you will see:
- For a crypto donation, it can be any of the cryptocurrencies we accept, such as BTC, ETH, DOGE, and more. To view the complete list of accepted cryptocurrencies, please refer to our article on our Donation Widget with 100+ Accepted Cryptocurrencies.
- For stock transactions, the currency field will be displayed as "ST".
- For card or DAF transactions, the currency field will appear as "USD".
The amount field signifies the complete value of the currency (be it Crypto, Stock, Card, or DAF) that has been donated. To determine the specific currency associated with this value, you can refer to the Currency column.
Payment Type:
This section displays the payment method used for the donation. You will see various options, including Crypto, Stock, Card, or DAF (Donor Advised Funds). 'DAF' will appear for all donations through our Chariot Integration. The payment type for Endaoment donations will appear as 'Crypto'. If you need further guidance on identifying Chariot and Endaoment donations in your CSV report, please refer to their FAQs for more information.
Gross amount:
The Gross Amount field represents the total donated amount before any deductions or fees. It reflects the complete value of the donation contributed. This will be reflected in US currency.
*If your donation has not converted to USD, here's why:
Gemini has trading minimums for each cryptocurrency. These minimums represent the smallest amount of crypto that can be traded on the platform and differ by asset. For example; the trading minimum for ETH is 0.001 ETH (1e-3). For more information on this topic, click HERE.
Total Fees:
This indicates the fee percentage deducted from your donation.
Note: Donors have the option to cover processing fees for card gifts and DAF gifts made through our Chariot Integration.
Net Amount:
The net amount refers to the total sum you will receive after any applicable fees have been subtracted. This will be reflected in US currency.
Donor Name, Donor Email, Donor Address:
If a donor has provided their personal information during the donation process, their name, email, and address will be presented here. If the donor has requested to remain anonymous, this field will be labeled as "N/A." To confirm whether a donor chose to remain anonymous, you can refer to the "Anon" column in the report.
City, Zip Code, State, Country:
If a donor has provided their personal information during the donation process, their city, zip code, state, and email will be presented here. If the donor has requested to remain anonymous, this field will be labeled as "N/A." To confirm whether a donor chose to remain anonymous, you can refer to the "Anon" column in the report.
The TXID is a unique identifier assigned to each verified transaction on the blockchain. It is represented by a string of letters and numbers and serves the purpose of tracking the progress of each transfer accurately.
Chariot ID:
Every donation from a Donor-Advised Fund (DAF) will be assigned a unique Chariot ID, conveniently displayed in this column. This ID simplifies tracking and can also be found in your DAF processing fee invoice for reference. For more information on DAF donations, please refer to the Donor Advised Fund (DAF) & Chariot Integration FAQ.
Original Transaction ID:
When a refund or dispute is created, a second transaction is created for the refund/dispute amount which offsets the original transaction. The Original Transaction ID shows the transaction ID of the original transaction that was refunded or disputed.
The Origin column displays the domain from which the donor made their contribution. By accessing the provided link within the report, you can effortlessly determine the exact platform or website where the donation originated. This allows for seamless tracking of the donation source.
Note: If the donation is made via Endaoment, the column will display "API: endaoment". If the donation is made through Tiltify; 'API:tiltify" will be displayed.
If the column displays "Yes", it indicates that the donor has opted for anonymous donation.
If 'NO' appears, the donor has shared their personal information. We can turn the anonymous gift acceptance on or off for your organization. This feature is universal and will impact all gift options available through your widget. It's important to note that Stock donations cannot be anonymous and will always be associated with a donor in your CSV report, you can view more information about the donor by checking the Donor Name, Donor Email, Donor Address columns in the report.
Donation Notes:
Donors have the option to include a note along with their donation. If a donor has chosen to leave a note, it will be displayed in this section for you to view. This feature can be turned on or off.
Honoree Name:
This field will reflect the name of the Honoree that the donation was dedicated to.
*Donation notes need to be turned on in order for this feature to work. In order to enable donation notes and donation tributes please reach out to To learn more about donation tributes, please refer to our Donation Tributes article.
Tribute Notification Email:
This field will reflect the email address of the honoree that the donor has dedicated their donation tribute to if the donor has opted to include an email address. To learn more about donation tributes, please refer to our Donation Tributes article.
Funds Designation:
Within your widget, donors can choose a designated impact area by clicking on "Select Impact Area" and making their selection.
If a donor has chosen a specific designation area to donate to, it will appear in this column.
P2P Fundraiser Title:
This column will reflect the title of your P2P Fundraiser that the donation was selected for.
To learn more about P2P fundraising, please read this article about Fundraisers on The Giving Block.
P2P Fundraiser Creator/Project Name:
The Project Name column will show the peer-to-peer project or creator's name. To learn more about P2P fundraising, please read this article about Fundraisers on The Giving Block.
Transaction fees covered:
Donors have the option to cover fees for card gifts and gifts made though the Chariot integration. If the donor chooses to pay the fees, this field will be marked as "Yes". For stock, endaoment and crypto donations or if the donor decides not to cover the fees, the field will be labeled as "N/A".
Please note that the following information pertains solely to credit card donations. In the CSV report, the Frequency column will indicate whether the donation is a one-time gift or a recurring donation. If you require further information on recurring donations, please refer to this helpful article on Recurring Donations.
Transaction Status:
The column shows transaction status for card and DAF donations through our Chariot integration. It displays "Captured" when approved and processed. Donations in other currencies remain blank as they have a different processing method.
Transaction Type, Transaction Note:
Transaction Type refers to refunds and chargebacks. If a transaction has been refunded, it will be labeled as "Refund." If it has been disputed (chargeback), it will be labeled as "Dispute." Any notes related to the refund or chargeback request can be found under the "Transaction Note" column. Please check out the following articles on Refunds and Chargebacks.
Campaign ID:
If you have added a unique Campaign ID to your donation form, this column will be where you will see the campaign ID that the donor used.