Best Practices for Installing Your Donation Form on Your Website
We always recommend having a stand alone landing page so donors and SEO can easily find you. Maximizing your donation pages helps drive more traffic to your site which can lead to an increase in donations.
To Learn more about setting up your individual SEO pages check out the following articles:
As stated above, we recommend standalone pages however if your preference is an all in one page, check out this article for set up and SEO optimization, SEO-Friendly All In One Giving Page.
No matter which option you choose, please use the code exactly as is, without any modifications.
Embedded version:
The donation form is visible on the giving page and embedded directly into the content.
OPTIMAL FOR: Giving pages with minimal content and donation form placed above the fold.
BEST PLACEMENT: In a left or right aligned column with no content directly under the donation form.
Popup version: Donation form appears on click in a separate lightbox with a dedicated button as your call to action (CTA).
OPTIMAL FOR: Giving pages designed to have a centered or primary button CTA, and/or with additional content below the fold.
For any additional assistance or queries, don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at
*Please note that the 'widget' is now known as the Donation form